
Since 2002, software has been the central theme in most of ASKI's works. His conceptual approach explores the possibilities and effects of using software in the visual arts. The spectrum of his works ranges from digital graphics, animations or sound works to current works with object character. The objects often allow interaction by the viewer, for example via direct touch, hidden sensors or apps specially designed for this purpose.


Seit 2002 ist Software in den meisten Arbeiten von ASKI das zentrale Thema. In seinem konzeptionellen Ansatz werden die Möglichkeiten und Auswirkungen des Einsatzes von Software in der Bildenden Kunst untersucht. Das Spektrum seiner Arbeiten reicht von Digitalen Grafiken, Animationen oder Soundarbeiten zu aktuellen Arbeiten mit Objektcharakter. Die Objekte erlauben oft eine Interaktion durch den Betrachter, beispielsweise über direkte Berührung, versteckte Sensoren oder speziell hierfür konzipierte Apps.


1965 Born in Germany
1994 Degree in Theoretical Physics
since 2005 Installations and objects, photography and experimental image processing, digitally generated drawings, animations and sounds
2008, 2009 Exhibitions of photography in  Alte Feuerwache Cologne and in Bonn's cultural center Brotfabrik with works from the cooperation with the Brazilian dance project QuaaDriDuuo
2010 Exhibition in São Paulo with the Brazilian dance project of Sonia Mota
2014 Solo exhibition BigScience at the Düsseldorf art project space reinraum
since 2018 App development for K1 Gallery Walk, Cologne, Cologne based art space "Raum L3", Light and Art project "COLLUMINA" (Gallery Seippel, Cologne) and others.
Feb 2020 Solo exhibition as part of the K1 Gallery Walk Cologne 2020, project space Lindenstraße 34, Cologne
June 2021 Exhibition Someone Alive at Gallery Biesenbach
October 2021 - April 2022 GLUT - interactive building light at the "Haus der Stiftungen", Zeughausstrasse 26, D-Koeln in cooperation with Gallery Biesenbach and Gallery Seippel.
October 2023 Participating COLLUMINA III with the interactive building light GLUT.


Portfolio 1, 2015:

Portfolio 2, 2015:

PostScriptArt 1, 2019: